
Stacey's Chili Crisp

Posted in: Asian
By Jake
Aug 11, 2020 - 5:12 PM

- [ ] 75g red pepper flakes (~3/4 cup)
- [ ] 3tbsp sichuan peppercorns
- [ ] 1tsp black peppercorns
- [ ] 5tsp kosher salt
- [ ] 1tsp MSG
- [ ] 1 small can anchovies, finely chopped
- [ ] 2tbsp sugar
- [ ] 2 1/2 cups olive oil
- [ ] 2 large shallots, thinly sliced
- [ ] 1/4 cup garlic, thinly sliced

1. Combine sichuan peppercorns, black peppercorns, salt, and MSG in a mortar. Crush all ingredients thoroughly to combine. Transfer mixture to a medium heat-proof glass or metal bowl.
2. Mix chopped anchovies, sugar, and red pepper flakes into peppercorn mix.
3. Heat olive oil over medium high heat, to approximately 350 degrees.
4. Fry shallots in the oil until browned and crispy. Drain shallots and set aside.
5. Fry garlic in the oil until browned and crispy. Drain garlic and set aside.
6. Heat olive oil to 375 degrees. Once 375 is reached, carefully pour the oil over the peppercorn/pepper flake mixture. It will bubble. Stir to ensure all ingredients are coated, then allow to cool to room temperature — approximately 30-40 minutes.
7. Once oil has reached room temperature, mix fried shallots and garlic into the oil.
8. Transfer to a large jar and refrigerate. Should keep for ~30 days.

Jake's notes:

I don't use MSG since the store only has huge bags of it that would take me an enternity to go through. I subbed sardines for anchovies when I made this the first time and it gave plenty of umami still. Also, this recipe will make a LOT of this (enough to fill a 750ml jar). It's addictive so I went through it quick, but a half batch will still yield plenty. There's also no harm with experimenting adding other ingredients like mushrooms for example. Also, you could make this less spicy by using a third less chili flakes if you wanted.

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